Article I


The officers of the Club shall consist of a Commodore,Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Measurer, and a board of nine Trustees, consisting of the Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer and six members.

Article II


The election of officers and trustees shall take place at the Annual Meeting in each year, and said election shall be by ballot only.  Each officer shall be elected on a separate ballot, and shall hold office until the adjournment of the annual meeting of the following year, or until his successor is selected, except the trustees, whose term of office shall be three years, two to be elected annually.  Vacancies may be filled at any meeting, notice of such election having been sent to each member at least five days previous to such meeting.

Article III



Section 1.  It shall be the duty of the Commodore to take command of the squadron, preside at all meetings and to enforce the laws and regulations rigidly.  He may call a special meeting of the Club at his pleasure, and he shall do so at the written request of two members of the House Committee, or any five members of the Club.


Section 2.  It shall be the duty of the Vice-Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties, and in his absence to officiate in his stead.


Section 3.  It shall be the duty of the Rear-Commodore to assist the Commodore and Vice-Commodore in the discharge of their duties, and in their absence to officiate in their stead.


Section 4.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Club in a book provided for that purpose. 

To keep a correct roll of the members.

To keep a correct list of the names, ownership, dimensions, rig and power of each yacht and power boat enrolled in the Club.

To file documents, records, reports and communications connected with the business of the Club.

To notify each member-elect of his election, and upon his becoming a member to furnish him with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.

To notify each active member of every meeting.  In case of inability to attend any meeting, to cause the necessary books and papers to be conveyed to the place of meeting.

For these duties he shall be exempt form all dues during his term of office.


Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys due the Club, and to pay all bills which have been duly audited, keeping a correct account of the same in a book provided for that purpose.

To make a report at each regular meeting of his receipts and disbursements, and of the amount of money then remaining in his hands.

It shall be his duty to furnish a newly elected member with a key to the Club House.

He shall have the custody of all the funds of the Club.

For these duties he shall be exempt from all dues during his term of office.


Section 6.  It shall be the duty of the Measurer to measure all Yachts and Power Boats and calculate their measurements as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations of the Hudson River Yacht Racing Association and the American Power Boat Association, and make a return of the same to the Secretary and Regatta Committee.


Section 7.  The Trustees shall elect from among their number their President, Secretary and Treasurer.  They shall be the general custodians and managers of its property, and shall take all needful measures for the preservation of the same.

They shall be the general business agents, and shall make all purchases and sales of real estate and negotiate all contracts for the Club, but they shall not have the power to purchase any real estate for the Club or to convey, lease or encumber any of the real estate owned by the Club, without the authorization of the Club.

Article IV


There shall be twelve Regular Meetings in each year

Article V


A quorum at each Regular or Special Meeting shall consist of seven members.

Article VI


Section 1. Any person shall be eligible to be elected a member.

Section 2.  Each candidate must be proposed and seconded in writing by the proposer and seconder respectively. The name and address of the candidate, with the names of the members proposing and seconding him, must be sent to the Secretary, who shall immediately upon


their receipt transmit them to the Committee on Admission.  In case of approval by the Committee, the name of the candidate shall then be posted by the Committee upon the Bulletin Board in the Club House at least five (5) days before the regular or special meetings at which said candidate shall be balloted for.

Section 3.  Members shall be elected separately and by ballot only.

Section 4. Two black balls shall defeat an election where ten votes or under are cast; one black ball shall be necessary for each additional ten votes.

Section 5. In case of the rejection of a candidate the name shall not be presented to the Club for the term of three months.

Article VII


Any person may become an Honorary Member who shall have been approved by the Committee on Admission, and has received a two-thirds vote at two meetings.

Such honorary members shall have all privileges of the club except voting and being eligible for office.

Article VII


Any members may become a Life Member on the payment of three hundred ($300) dollars, which shall be in lieu of any further annual dues.

Article IX


At the Annual Meeting in each year, or as soon thereafter as an election can be held, there shall be elected on separate ballots, a Committee on Admission of five (5) members, a House Committee of (5) members, a Governing Committee of five (5) members, a Regatta Committee of three (3) members and an Auditing Committee of three (3) members.

Article X


Committee on Admission

Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Admission to carefully consider and examine the qualifications and fitness of all candidates for admission to membership.

This committee shall hold office until the adjournment of the annual meeting of the following year.

In case of any vacancy, which may occur between annual meetings, the same rule, which relates to nominations for annual elections, shall apply.

It shall further be the duty of the committee to nominate and place on the Bulletin Board at last two weeks before the date of the annual meeting a full ticket of all the officers and committees of the club for the ensuing year.  These  nominations shall form the regular ticket and must be voted for before any other nominations can be made, but should they not receive a majority vote of all the members present, another committee or person can be nominated by any members present and voted for in the usual manner.

House Committee

Section 2. The duties of the House Committee are defined in the By-Laws (Chapter VIII)

Governing Committee

Section 3.  It shall be the duty of the Governing Committee to investigate all violations of the rules of the organization, and act in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws. They shall have absolute power in all matters submitted to them, and from their decision there shall be no appeal.

Regatta Committee

Section 4.  The duties of the Regatta Committee are defined in the By-Laws. (Chapter VI)

Auditing Committee

Section 5.  It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to audit the Treasurer’s account at the close of the club year and their report shall be a part of the annual report of the Treasurer.

General Provisions

Section 6.  Each of the Committees mentioned in this article shall have power to fill vacancies in its membership occurring during the year for which it shall have been elected.

Article XI


A member violating any rule of the club or acting in any manner detrimental to the interests of the organization shall be liable to suspension or expulsion by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the organization, after due investigation having been made of the case, and an opportunity given to the member accused to answer the charge.

Article XII


Section 1.  This Constitution shall only be amended follows:

The proposed amendment with the name of the member proposing the same shall be sent to the Secretary of the Club and another copy posted on the Bulletin Board in the Club House by the Secretary for at least one week previous to a regular meeting of the Club.  Any amendment must first be submitted at a regular meeting, and shall be valid only when approved at a subsequent meeting.  If adopted at the regular meeting it must be kept posted until the next regular meeting by the Secretary, on the Bulletin Board in the Club House.

Section 2.  The proposed amendment shall be stated in the call for the meeting.

Section 3.  There shall be no suspension of any articles of the Constitution.

Ref: Club booklet printed in 1909